- Number of staff can be reduced.
- Number of vehicle for maintenance reduces.
- Vehicle fuel (Petrol/Diesel) expenses reduce.
- Vehicle maintenance expenses reduce.
- Turbine's operation cost reduces.
- Major breakdown of turbine can be avoided.

- Turbine stoppage/faults will be intimated instantaneously to respective staff.
- Turbine could be restarted without delay, on most of the condition.
- Turbine down time can be reduced, in turn generation increases.
- Turbines can be monitored round the clock, at site office and head office.
- Turbines can be monitored for its abnormality, can prevent untoward happening.
- Turbine all parameters are recorded, could be used for performance analysis.
- Turbine can be monitored & accessed from anywhere anytime by authorised person.

- Rook RMC can work with and without web application.
- Suitable for single turbine and wind farms.
- Turbines of multiple manufacturers can be clubbed.
- Scattered turbines do not matter.
- Shine or rain does not matter for monitoring/control.
- Day or night does not matter.
- Encounter of venomous reptiles, animals can be avoided.
- Events and facts are on record with time stamp.
- The facts cannot be kept hidden from the notice of higher-ups.